Community leaders donned aprons and helped serve breakfast to people at Round the Clock in Highland for the annual Holiday Breakfast Kickoff with the Northwest Indiana Food Bank.
“[The Holiday Breakfast kickoff] is our kick off to the holiday awareness about food insecurity and feeding people in need during the holidays, so we ask people to come out to show support by coming out and donating to the cash register or going to the website to donate,” said Steven Beekman, Interim Executive Director of the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana. “They can also donate to the Hope for The Holiday event. We’re hoping to serve 1000 families holiday meals.”
NIPSCO works closely with the Northwest Indiana Food Bank and has leaders of NIPSCO on the board for the food bank.
“It’s a great opportunity and organization for us to partner with us because they're so vital to the community and so we really support what they do, said Violet Sistovaris, President and Executive Vice President of NIPSCO, “We talk about national issues and sometimes those same challenges exist in our own backyard and hunger is one of those. I hope the Northwest Indiana community can come out and support. Food and food products are such a key way for us to support those in need.”
Strack & Van Til’s is a perfect match to partner with the Northwest Indiana Food Bank, considering their similar commitment to the people of Northwest Indiana.
"We've had a long relationship with the Northwest Indiana ,” Phil Latchford, CFO of Strack & Van Til’s said, "We all realize the importance of the need to help the hungry. Whenever we have any chance to help, we know we have to give back to the community and this is one way to try to do that."
Round the Clock is more than happy to open their doors and support the Food Bank.
"We feel very fortunate that we’re able to help out this way every year, Rin Alexiades, Marketing Director for Round the Clock, “We feel a really big responsibility to the region to give back as much as we can. We really want to do more, and we’re really happy that we can do this with the food bank.”
One of the special things Round the Clock is doing for the Food Bank is a point of sale donations throughout the month of December.
Holiday Food Distribution will occur on December 10 from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at St. Mary Hildebrandt Hall, Griffith and on December 17th from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. at Christ Lutheran church in Valparaiso.
For more information about the Food Bank of Northwest Indiana, visit