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City-wide School Supply Drive Under Way

School-Supply-Drive-2013Thirteen local organizations have announced a community-wide school supply drive that will run through Aug 12. Supplies collected during the drive will be put into 1,800 backpacks for Michigan City Area School students who are in need of school materials.

Many Michigan City businesses are providing collection bins to accept donations from their employees and the general public. Collection sites are located at: Al’s Franklin and Karwick; Beyond the Beach Salon; Captain Ed’s Candy Island; City Hall; CVS; First Trust Credit Union; Foster Printing; Horizon Bank Franklin Square and South Franklin; Jazzercise; LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Bureau; LaPorte Savings Bank; MCAS Administration Building; Members Advantage Credit Union; The News-Dispatch; Northwest Athletic Club; St. Johns United Church; Wal-Mart; and WIMS.

Suggested donations include: crayons, glue sticks, dry erase markers, pink erasers, flash drives, backpacks (new or gently used), three-ring binders/organizers, three-hole notebook paper, pocket folders, pencils, pencil boxes, spiral notebooks, facial tissue, index cards (3 x 5), calculators, and markers (washable). Donations of money are also appreciated. Donated supplies will be taken to Elston Middle School’s Meer Gym on Tuesday, August 13 from 9 a.m. to Noon.

The City-wide Back to School Rally will take place Thursday, August 15 from 3 to 7 p.m. at Elston Middle School (Gill Field). Supplies will be distributed during the rally (a parent/guardian must be present). The rally will feature fun, food and prizes. Games will include a 50-yard dash, 3-on-3 basketball, and Double Dutch.

The 2013 Back to School Rally organizing committee, chaired by Pat Harris, includes representatives from: Boys & Girls Club; City of Michigan City; Covering Kids & Families of LaPorte Co.; Deliverance & Victory Outreach Ministries; HealthLinc; Indiana Black Expo; Ivy Tech Community College; LaPorte County NAACP; MDWise; MCAS; Purdue University North Central; Shaka-hand, Maka-friend; and United Way of LaPorte County. Media partners are The News-Dispatch, WIMS Radio and WEFM Radio.

For more information about the City-wide Back to School Rally visit http://EducateMC.net/backtoschoolrally.