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City of Hammond Employee Vaccine Incentive

City of Hammond Employee Vaccine Incentive

Hammond Mayor Thomas M. McDermott, Jr. is pleased to announce that the City of Hammond will provide an incentive to its full-time employees who get fully vaccinated against COVID-19. 

With the vaccine being the emphasis for battling Covid 19 and in an effort to encourage City employees to voluntarily vaccinate themselves from Covid 19, all city full-time employees who fully vaccinate themselves will get three “Covid” personal days off.  Employees must present their card showing they are fully vaccinated to our Personnel Director in order to get the days off.  Firefighters, who work 24-hour days will each get one shift off, all other employees get three eight-hour days off. “Covid” personal days can only be used when overtime is not required to fill their spot.

Employees will be responsible for making their own arrangements for getting the vaccine the same as other residents in Hammond.  The deadline for being fully vaccinated is August 1 to be qualified to receive the three days off. 

“I was never interested in mandating employees get vaccinated,” stated Mayor McDermott.  “However, giving them three days off is a good incentive to get them vaccinated for the health of our employees and residents.”