Home»Community»Family»Children Dash to Collect Eggs at Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt

Children Dash to Collect Eggs at Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt

The lines were set and the excitement was palpable at the La Porte County Fair Grounds at 8:59 a.m. on Saturday, March 30. Children from the across the county were ready and excited to rush the fields and gather a bundle of Easter eggs stuffed with candy. When 9:00 struck, chaos ensued as the hunt began.

The Jaycees Easter Egg Hunt was yet again a smashing success with a turnout of roughly 500 children. The free and public event gives children ages infant-12 a chance to hunt. The experienced pre-teens aggressively scoured their designated field hoping to bring in the biggest hull, while the timid toddlers joyfully wandered through their field.

The La Porte Jaycees has been holding the spirited event for approximately twenty years, rain or shine, and is not looking to stop anytime soon.

Kim Snyder, who was in charge of the event, said, “We do this to give back to the community. We like to watch the kids have a good time. There are already a lot of Easter egg hunts in the community, but we still like to contribute.”

The hunt, which lasts all but five minutes per section, takes an enormous amount of support and preparation. The Jaycees members along with additional volunteers, met multiple times before the event to shop, organize and stuff the eggs and gift baskets assembly style. The count is not clear but the Jaycees estimate they stuffed over 5,000 eggs.

“It’s a lot of work,” Snyder said. “There is a lot of egg stuffing involved. We send out donation letters to different places in La Porte to donate either candy or money to help since it is a free event. Then the morning of we set out all the eggs and sell our raffle tickets.”

The Easter Bunny was also present and posed for photos and handed out candy. Participants also had a chance to enter a raffle and win various gift baskets stuffed full of Easter goodies. The Jaycees would like to specially thank their generous sponsors and supporters: American Licorice, 1st Source Bank, Little Chocolates, Ashley Knoll, CSI Net, Weston Excavating, Kathryn Goodwin, Pressel Enterprises, Haverstock Funeral Home and Wendy Photography.

In addition to the egg hunt, the Jaycees is in charge of all Fourth of July activities, a back pack drive, the Deserving Children Shopping Tour, port-a-pit chicken sales, bowling bashes and gives out two local scholarships.

Click here for a full photo gallery from this event!!