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Centier Bank commemorates Veterans Day, donates $1,000 to local veterans nonprofit

Centier Bank commemorates Veterans Day, donates $1,000 to local veterans nonprofit

Centier Bank associates gathered in the Corporate Centre building’s lobby on Tuesday, Nov. 12, 2019, for a special ceremony honoring Veterans who have served in the U.S. Armed Forces, both past and present.

“We gathered today to pay tribute to those who have so selflessly made the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom,” said Anthony Contrucci, Vice President of Community and Business Development at Centier Bank.

Representatives from Crown Point American Legion Post #20 presented and retired the colors of the flag the ceremony, and the crowd watched a video about Operation Combat Bikesaver, a Crown Point-based nonprofit organization dedicated to helping veterans regain a sense of community and purpose through rebuilding motorcycles. 

Jason Zaidman, US Army Veteran and President/CEO of Operation Combat Bikesaver, spoke to the crowd about PTSD and veteran suicide, and about how the organization wants to provide a sanctuary for those who are suffering.

“When veterans return home after serving in combat, they often feel alone and suffer in silence,” Zaidman said. “We want to give them a place where they can go and keep their minds occupied, alongside other people who relate to them.” 

According to the website, Operation Combat Bikesaver is “designed to be a safe space for veterans to interact together learning, teaching, building, and bonding, stress-free, surrounded by individuals that signed the same dotted line.”

Centier Bank associates presented Zaidman and other members of Operation Combat Bikesaver a community donation of $1,000 to help fund the project’s mission.  The donation will go toward operational costs for the space which, due to financial restrictions, can only open on Sundays, as well as the bikes themselves. 

“We are very appreciative to everyone at Centier for their commitment to our mission, and for the support they’ve shown us today,” Zaidman said. “We are very grateful for the donation, and it will surely help the veterans who find solace at Operation Combat Bikesaver.”

For more information on Operation Combat Bikesaver, go to https://www.combatbikesaver.org/.