Home»Community»Education»Career Center Students Celebrate the Spirit of Halloween with a Pumpkin Carving Contest

Career Center Students Celebrate the Spirit of Halloween with a Pumpkin Carving Contest

Students in the Laporte County Career and Technical Education programs at the A. K. Smith Center got into the spirit of the season on October 31st, with a special school-wide pumpkin carving contest. Classes in each discipline had 50 minutes to work as a team to create a pumpkin depicting one of the following themes:

  • Boo at the Washington Park Zoo
  • LaPorte County History or Landmark
  • Politics


Teams then gave a brief presentation about their contest entry, highlighting the team efforts and materials involved, and pointing out how the pumpkins related to the themes.

The amazing pumpkins ranged from a caged pumpkin-tiger by Welding students, to a replica of the Michigan City Lighthouse created by Culinary students, to a spray painted silver elephant with spark plug tusks by Automotive students (representing both the Republican party and the Zoo). Winners, as judged by school district staff and community representatives, included the Facilities Maintenance Class (morning session) and the Health Academy II Class (afternoon session).