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CAPTRUST boosts Franciscan Health Michigan City backpack project

CAPTRUST boosts Franciscan Health Michigan City backpack project

MICHIGAN CITY, Indiana | A $1,000 grant from CAPTRUST Community Foundation helped support the Franciscan Health Michigan City backpack project to provide a positive start to the school year for local students.

The funds were part of the effort supported by the hospital medical staff and the Franciscan Health Foundation to provide 500 backpacks for Michigan City Area Schools and 100 backpacks for local Catholic elementary schools.

Volunteers stuffed the backpacks with notebooks, binders and other school supplies for distribution at the MCAS Back to School rally. “The donation from CAPTRUST Chesterton was a huge part of helping us pay for the backpack project,” said Sister Petra Nielsen, vice president of mission integration for Franciscan Health Michigan City.

The CAPTRUST Community Foundation is an employee-run 501(c)(3) with a mission to enrich the lives of children in local CAPTRUST communities. Jenn Brown said employees in the CAPTRUST office in Chesterton requested the grant, knowing the need in the community this time of year.

Brown added that the grant also provides a valuable lesson to the children of CAPTRUST employees. “To be able to explain what we were able to do for other kids that may not be able to afford school supplies helps us teach them about community projects and giving back,” she said.

To support or learn more about community efforts like the backpack project, go online at FranciscanHealthFoundation.org or call (219) 661-3401.