Home»Entertainment»Arts»Call Out for Artists – Lubeznik Arts Festival 2018

Call Out for Artists – Lubeznik Arts Festival 2018

Lubeznik-Arts-Festival-2018Lubeznik Center for the Arts invites artists to apply for its annual art festival featuring fine art and fine craft exhibitors, plus contemporary art galleries, interactive family art activities and food. A non-refundable application fee of $35 is required. Application deadline is March 15, 2018.

In 2018 Lubeznik Center for the Arts (LCA) is celebrating the 37th year of its annual art festival, Lubeznik Arts Festival (LAF), on August 18 and 19. The festival, previously held off-site, is now held on LCA's grounds to connect festival-goers to our gallery spaces, experience the stature of our exhibitions, and connect with programs more effectively. All proceeds from LAF are invested back into the community through artistic and educational programs LCA provides year-round.

We will be selecting individual fine artists and fine crafters through a jury process. Additionally, we will be inviting regional galleries who represent the best in emerging contemporary art. Overall we anticipate 75-100 exhibitors.

The juror for this year's festival is Aron Packer of Aron Packer Projects.

Starting in the late 80's as an American folk art dealer, Aron Packer built his early business focusing on outsider and non-traditional art, and became known for a broad yet unusual vision. He transitioned this vision to contemporary art and established his first public gallery in 1992 in Chicago. For the next 25 years, Packer continued to expand his notable group of contemporary artists. In 2015 he closed Packer Schopf Gallery in Chicago to work at Leslie Hindman Auctioneers in business development for fine art sales. Packer continues to avidly curate pop-up shows throughout Chicago as Aron Packer Projects.

Over $30,000 is budgeted to market the event through partnerships that span radio, TV, print and outdoor media.

For more information and to apply online to Lubeznik Arts Festival please visit www.lubeznikcenter.org. The application fee is $35 and exhibiting artists will pay a $200 booth fee if accepted.