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Bring Your Family to Help Other Families and Have fun at the Homeward Bound Shopping Cart Walk

M-Spartz-2015One week before our first son was born, we found ourselves homeless. My husband, I and our two large dogs lost our home to a Lake Michigan winter storm. Fortunately our family welcomed us into their home, dogs and all. Other family members worked hard to find us a new home and got us settled, all within a month of our loss. We were lucky. So many others are not.

It’s estimated that 1 - 2% of our population will experience homelessness each year. That translates into possibly 1,500 La Porte County women, children, and men who are considered homeless, which doesn’t include people who ‘couch-surf.’

11 years ago, in response to the increasing number of homeless, the Unity Foundation, United Way, the Duneland Health Council and then Michigan City Mayor, Chuck Oberlie began meeting to explore ways to create a better system to prevent and respond to homelessness. This group grew to include anyone interested in housing and homelessness and was dubbed the “Home Team.” The Home Team has accomplished much in the past 11 years by working within La Porte County and with our neighbors in Porter, Lake and St. Joseph Counties.

For nine of those years, the Home Team, in conjunction with the Indiana Association for Community Economic Development, worked to raise awareness and lower incidences of homelessness through a community walk, called Homeward Bound. This year the effort is being led by volunteer Leigh Coburn, who has raised the bar by transforming the walk into the ‘Homeward Bound Shopping Cart Walk.’ It will take place on Saturday September 26th, starting at St. Paul Lutheran Church in Michigan City.

The Shopping Cart Walk is modeled after a Chicago event, but in a more family friendly way. Once a participating group completes the free registration, they are encouraged to raise money through pledges or donations. 100% of funds raised with help nine non-profits. On September 26th Starting at 9:00 a.m., teams will bring their donations of food and pledges when they check in at the church. They will have exactly one hour to decorate their cart, provided by Al’s Supermarkets, before parading down Franklin Street. They will compete for prizes of: best cart, best costume, and most money raised. The prizes will be awarded after the walk where there will be family- friendly festivities like face painting, music, bouncy house, food, and more!

The Homeward Bound Shopping Cart Walk supports local agencies who provide affordable housing, shelter and supportive services that end the cycle of poverty and help people get back on their feet. The organizations benefitting are: Catholic Charities, Gabriel’s Horn Homeless Shelter of Porter County, A Hand Up, Inc., Interfaith Community Men’s Shelter, Keys to Hope Community Resource Center, Sand Castle Family Shelter, Grace Learning Center, Stepping Stone Shelter, and the Michigan City Housing Authority.

Supporting the Shopping Cart Walk will provide critical support to families in crisis. Bring your family for some good fun and know that your family will be helping other families. Just like our family did for us when we became suddenly homeless.

To find out more or to sign up for the Homeward Bound Shopping Cart Walk on September 26th, please visit www.uflc.net/homewardboundwalk or follow the fun on facebook at https://www.facebook.com/HWBLPC.