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Boston Students Compete to Fill the Need

The Boston Middle School Student Council sponsored a canned food drive which was held for twelve days. Over the course of the twelve days, 4,894 items were collected by the entire school for our local Salvation Army. The TA's or Homerooms competed per grade level. The TA that collected the most items in a given grade level will receive a pizza party! The high TA's for each grade level are as follows:

6th grade Mrs. Kosior's TA 509 items
7th grade Mrs. Church's TA 211 items
8th grade Mrs. DeWolf's TA 274 items

These items will be distributed to many needy families in our community. Boston Middle School should be very proud of this accomplishment and knowing that many families will receive canned goods and other items during the Holiday season. The Student Council worked hard in promoting the event, and packing the items to transport to the Salvation Army. Boston is an amazing school and it was a great effort by everyone.