Home»Community»Education»Boston Middle School Students Get a Taste of Made in La Porte County 2015

Boston Middle School Students Get a Taste of Made in La Porte County 2015

bms-aksmith-2015A number of Boston Middle School students were given an opportunity to attend two career- oriented events this fall.

First, some 7th and 8th graders were chosen to attend the Made in LaPorte County event, which hosted local companies displaying their products. Students were able to talk to many different representatives of these companies not only about what each company produces, but also about careers within these businesses.

The students who attend really enjoyed receiving sample products and talking with the different businesses represented. Next, fifteen girls from the 8th grade were chosen to attend the NEW Conference sponsored by the LaPorte County Career and Technical Education Center(AK Smith Career Center). Here, the girls were exposed to nontraditional careers for women, such as farming, law enforcement, and welding.

In addition, the girls were offered the opportunity to weld, create something in machining and construction, see a demonstration in auto repair, pot a plant, try on fire fighter gear, and see thermal imaging at work. These girls left this conference with many new ideas of possible career fields to explore for their future.

Both conferences were extremely interesting and informative for the students who attended.