Home»Community»Worship»Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church will host a Port-A-Pit Event on October 11th, 2014 to Support the Work of the Center Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church will host a Port-A-Pit Event on October 11th, 2014 to Support the Work of the Center Township Volunteer Fire Department.

Beautiful-Savior-Lutheran-ChurchBeautiful Savior Lutheran Church is committed to the growth and improvement of our community and recognizes the vital roll our volunteer fire department plays to that end. We seek to demonstrate our appreciation to the fire department, as well as our commitment to community through this event.

Please help us to support the Center Township Fire Department. The total profit of the funds raised through this Port-a-Pit event will be given to the Center Township Fire Department for their necessary, but non-budgeted items, as they continue to meet the emergency response needs of Center Township.

Members of the Center Township Volunteer Fire Department will be on hand to answer questions about their work, their training, and their equipment. Multiple trucks and rescue vehicles will be on display. Sparky the Firedog is also scheduled to make an appearance. Bring your family and enjoy your Port-a-Pit lunch on the grounds of Beautiful Savior.

The Port-a-Pit will run from 10am-2pm. Pre-sale ticket holders are asked to pick up their chicken between 10:00am and 12:00pm. Chicken, Pork Chops, and Pit-tatoes will be available. Quantities are limited.

To order pre-sale tickets call Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church at (219) 324-7442

Address: 3628 W. Johnson Rd., La Porte, IN 46350