Author and Michigan City native Liz Niemiec "visited" Marsh and Pine Elementary Schools this morning via Zoom to read her book, "Lizzy Girl and the Big Little Wish" to kindergarten, first and second-grade classes. This book, written by Niemiec last year, tells the story of how she founded the Little Wish Foundation. This is a charity she started when she was a 16-year-old student in Michigan City Area Schools, granting wishes for deserving children. According to Niemic, this charity has since impacted the lives of more than 2,000 kids.
She said she started Little Wish Foundation to "grant wishes to kids who are in need of smiles, happiness, and joy."
Also sitting in on the virtual read-along was Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, MCAS Superintendent, who thought it was a great message for students because it "focuses on doing nice things for others."