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American Red Cross of LaPorte County to Offer a Free Shelter Operation Course to the Community

RedCrossLogoThe American Red Cross LaPorte County Chapter will be offering a Shelter Operations and Simulation class on Thursday, November 1, 2011. The class will be held at the chapter at 113 Warren Road, Michigan City at 5:00 pm.

This class is designed for individuals interested in helping if our community has need for an emergency mass shelter. If a fire should wipe out an apartment complex or if rising waters flood a subdivision, those families would need some place to stay and that is when a mass shelter is set up. Volunteers are needed to help keep the shelter operating smoothly 24/7. Individuals must be trained to participate. But, once trained, this opens the door to helping at shelters anywhere in the country.

To register call the Red Cross at 219/874-4247. This course and class materials will be offered free of charge however, registration is required.