Home»Other»Aggressive Driving and Seat Belt Patrols to be Held on August 12, 2016

Aggressive Driving and Seat Belt Patrols to be Held on August 12, 2016

La-Porte-Police-DepartmentAugust 12 officers from the La Porte Police Department worked 50 hours of Operation Pull Over funded seat belt patrols and 25 hours of aggressive driving patrols. The goal of these patrols was to prevent crashes, injuries and fatalities. These patrols targeted the seat belt and child restraint violations and dangerous moving violations that cause traffic crashes.

During these patrols, officers wrote a total of 114 citations and 116 warnings. The citations included 15 for speeding, 10 for sign/signal violations, 67 for seat belt violations, 2 for child restraint violations and 6 for Driving While Suspended. The rest of the citations and the warnings were for a variety of other moving, equipment and license violations.

“The La Porte Police Department is currently participating in Operation Pull Over Blitz #87 which is a national enforcement event targeting impaired driving that runs from August 12 – September 5. We will continue working hard to enhance traffic safety in our community during Blitz #87 and into the future,” said Captain Tom Heath.

Operation Pull Over is a traffic safety grant program funded by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration and administered by the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute. The goal of Operation Pull Over is to reduce traffic crashes, injuries and fatalities by promoting passenger restraint use, and supporting impaired and dangerous driving enforcement.

For more information on Operation Pull Over and the Indiana Criminal Justice Institute’s other programs and activities, please visit http://www.in.gov/cji.