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A Spark for Change: Our Little Moments

sparkforchange rotator2Here is what I know. Life is about the little moments. As I sit here watching the snow blanket the ground and watch Sandy Hook parents on Oprah speak of the remarkable son they lost, I am yet again reminded of these little moments. We all need to take a step back and lean into the joy of the small things.

The ultimate beauty of life sometimes is overlooked or overshadowed by our larger and more exciting times. I get the pleasure of our big moments. Who doesn’t love those? However, it is when we slow down and notice what we truly have that our life is full. It is watching beautiful snowflakes fall. It is sitting and talking with a friend whom you feel completely safe with. It is cuddling up next to Grandma in her chair. It is a walk out in nature completely disconnected from everything that consumes your attention. It is rolling around on the floor with the niece who has stolen every ounce of your heart.

These moments fill our day but often go unnoticed, and I urge you to actively search them out. More than that though, when you find these moments, lean into the joy of them and be grateful for it. Those who have suffered great loss almost always express the desire to have the little things back. They miss the footsteps, the laughs, the quiet times together. Don’t wait until these moments are gone before you realize the magnitude of them all.

Take time out of each and every day to search out the little blessings. Gratitude is one of the most important virtues of life. Notice what you have and realize how truly lucky you are to have it. I know that I would gladly trade a life full of big moments for all of my little moments. You may want to consider it, too.

Go be grateful,