A Spark for Change: My Resolution

sparkforchange rotator5It’s time to pack up 2013, tie a bow on it, and stow it away. I sincerely hope this year was good to each and every one of you. I have learned more in the past 12 months than all my years combined, and for that, I am placing the “Success” label on 2013.

All of the life lessons, trials, and triumphs did not impact this year as much as one decision I made on January 1st. I was tired of making resolutions about working out, losing weight, or being organized. I did them for a month, but I rarely (read: never) did what I resolved. This year I made one resolution: make this year better for other people. That was it, and I had no conception on how it was going to completely change me.

It seems silly; I realize that, but I made a conscious effort to brighten the lives of as many people as I could. I don’t know how successful I was on the other end, but I can tell you honestly that I have never been happier than I am now. There is little that can change a mood more so than doing something for another person. There is something magical about stepping outside of your own needs and wants and helping others. I see every day as an opportunity to make a difference in someone else’s life, even with just a smile or compliment.

I am going to selfishly use this column as a way to urge all of you to join me in making this a resolution for 2014. I know I say it constantly, but kindness is the only way the world can change for the better. It takes empathy and a desire for others to be as happy as you are. It’s people like you and me who are going to make the difference, and the beauty of it all is that it’s contagious. Once you catch the kindness bug, others will quickly follow suit because your joy will not only be palpable, it will be yearned for. We have to be the vehicles to show that kindness isn’t futile, naïve, or unnoticed; it’s the most powerful tool for change there is.

There you have it. This is my plea for you to forget about the insignificant resolutions. Do something that will leave a lasting impact on our world. Make a vow to make this year better for others. I will never make another resolution in my life. I have caught one bug that I don’t want to get rid of. Happiness is in helping others!

Happy 2014 to you all!