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A Spark for Change: Dream Big

sparkforchange rotator4Hello, everyone!

I hope your weekend was fabulous and full of happiness. For almost a year now, my mind has been filled to the brim with a dream of doing something big with my life.

My Advice: Dream big.

I was fortunate to grow up in a home where dreaming was encouraged. As a child, my parents told me that I could do anything if I really set my mind to it and was prepared to work hard for it. It's a crime for every child in this world not to receive the same. Every one of us should always have a goal that we aspire to achieve no matter what age.

I have had this overwhelming urge to do something more than I am currently doing. I am not tired of teaching; I absolutely love it with every ounce of my being, but there is an aching inside of me to make a difference. I feel deep down in my heart my purpose in life is to help others. Each day this feeling consumes my thoughts. My brain is on constant overdrive trying to figure out how to do this and exactly what my channel for achieving this is.

What I have also found is that when we are inspired and go after our biggest dreams, we help motivate others, too. My friend has been chasing a big dream of hers, and she has been making stride after stride. Watching her work tirelessly and fight for what is in her heart makes me realize that I, too, can accomplish anything. What is even more amazing is that she believes in me as well. Surround yourself with those who see your greatness and will help you get to where you want to be because I can honestly say that my friends are the ones who have helped me realize that my dream doesn’t just have to be something I wish for; it is something I can do.

I urge you all to dream big, too. All dreams and goals are different, so find something that fits you. Work tirelessly until you reach the finish line. If we are always content, we may never grow. Challenging ourselves is what makes us who we are. It takes strength, determination, discipline, and gumption to go after something that may result in failure or at the very least will be draining and challenging.

You've all heard it here first. I am going to fight for this elusive dream of mine. I want to be someone who makes a difference. I just have to. What about you?

Go do good things,