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A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Tom Coe

A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Tom Coe

As one of La Porte High School’s most beloved adults, even the mention of Tom Coe’s name has the ability to bring a smile to most students’ faces.

One of his students, Bethany Figolah, said, “He's really funny, and cares a lot about all of us. He goes to great lengths to help us in any way he can, and he does way more than he's required to do as a teacher, and does more with us than any other teacher I've ever had.”

Coe graduated with a Bachelor’s degree from Indiana University South Bend and a Master’s degree from Ball State University. After earning his degrees, he taught both elementary and middle school music before settling into his current position as La Porte High School’s choir director.

Coe encourages his students to serve the community in any way possible. In La Porte’s annual food drive, they were able to collect 1,300 pounds of food for the local pantry. During the holiday season, his show choir visits various nursing homes and retirement settlements. After they perform, the students then mingle with the residents.

“You think of the typical teenager where all they do is text and they can’t really carry out a conversation with people, yet I watched my students start conversations with these strangers," he said. "They were so smiley and positive. I was really proud of them.”

One of his proudest accomplishments as a choir director occurred when his students first performed at Carnegie Hall.

“There were about 200 people singing in a choir led by John Rutter, a famous composer, but about 30 of them were my students. I could tell they were singing with passion, and it was a really rewarding moment for me,” he said.

Alongside his job as a choir director, Coe is also a Zumba instructor. He first fell in love with dance-oriented form of exercise at a weeklong fitness camp in Utah.

“You’re on a special diet while you’re there and you exercise for seven to eight hours a day,” he said.

He participated in a Zumba class there, and the instructor suggested that he should become certified.

While initially weary about the idea of taking on yet another responsibility, Coe eventually decided to become certified.

“I knew that if I had a class depending on me, I’d be motivated to do it,” he said. “Plus, I’d be able to make a little extra money!”

In June of 2011, he became certified and started teaching classes at La Porte High School in July. He now teaches five classes a week in La Porte, Michigan City and Valparaiso.

Through both of his jobs, the most important thing he has learned is to not let things bother him.

“There are a lot of things you have no control over, and freaking out about it does nothing," Coe said. "That lesson has definitely helped me in life.”