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A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Izabelle Galvin-Ellis

A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Izabelle Galvin-Ellis

A career in politics was not the direction Izabelle Galvin-Ellis thought her life would go. However, as the appointed Board of Works clerk and administrator assistant for the mayor of Michigan City, Galvin-Ellis happily dedicates her time and efforts to serving the public.

A large aspect of Galvin-Ellis’ work as an administrator's assistant consists of listening to every concern brought to her through emails, phone calls, or in-person meetings. She enjoys being in a position to better the city by addressing every inquiry from Michigan City residents. Even for issues outside of the city’s jurisdiction, Galvin-Ellis does her best to connect residents with someone who might be able to solve their problem.

“Putting out those fires is my thing. It’s very rewarding being the one to help people with any issues they’re having,” Galvin-Ellis said. 

As the Board of Works clerk, she is in charge of filing records, managing agendas, and other administrative and clerical duties. Galvin-Ellis expresses that this position is interesting work. 

“I file all these contracts, events, and stuff like that for the city, which is actually really cool,” Galvin-Ellis said.

Before finding a career in politics, Galvin-Ellis found a passion in photography. As a kid, she enjoyed taking photos of her cat. While growing up in Chesterton and attending Chesterton High School, she took every photography class available. Since 2020, Galvin-Ellis has worked a second job as an associate photographer for Loryn Eaton Photography, specializing in lifestyle events such as weddings and engagements. Galvin-Ellis also attended Columbia College Chicago, majoring in journalism, which inspired her political journey, and minoring in photography. 

“I never thought in a million years I would work in politics. Once I got into college and started getting more into journalism classes, I wanted to be the person that was the change. I really wanted to be that person,” Galvin-Ellis said. 

This sentiment followed her as she took on the role of campaign manager for Indiana State Senator Rodney Pol Jr. This volunteer position brought a hefty workload to Galvin-Ellis, who was already working a full-time job and finishing college. After gaining experience in her first role as campaign manager, Galvin-Ellis proceeded to run the mayoral campaign for the current mayor of Michigan City, Angie Nelson Deuitch. 

With ample responsibilities and success in her work and volunteer life, Galvin-Ellis acknowledges the importance of winding down in her personal life. 

“For me to stay sane, I read a lot. I’m a big reader,” Galvin-Ellis said. “I really enjoy historical fiction, fantasy, and romance. I read at least two chapters before bed. If I don’t, I’ll just be a mess.”

Additionally, family holds special significance to Galvin-Ellis. She is grateful for her husband and attributes much of who she is today to her family, acknowledging their close dynamic and everyone’s role in raising her. 

“It takes so much to raise a child, and everyone in my family really helped out in raising me,” Galvin-Ellis said. “We’re all close. My mom is on my side for everything. My dad adopted me in high school, and he's my biggest supporter.” 

Through her dedication to work, education, and family, Galvin-Ellis feels like she has found purpose in her life. She serves her community with respect and focuses on the value in every individual – passions that were ingrained into her at a young age. 

“I like to fight the good fight – always have,” Galvin-Ellis said. “Working in the public sector, people look to you and need your help. We have to keep going and fighting for better, to make sure that people are treated the way they deserve to be treated. Everyone was created equal and should be treated as such. I truly believe in that.”