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A La Porte County Life in Spotlight: Nate Bakota

A La Porte County Life in Spotlight: Nate Bakota

Nate Bakota is a dedicated high school athlete at Marquette Catholic High School and is known for his passion for both baseball and basketball. With years of experience on the field and court, Bakota has developed into a well-rounded athlete, balancing his commitment to sports with his academic goals. Bakota's journey is a combination of dedication, effort, and a focus on continuous improvement.

Bakota's journey into sports began with the energy and enthusiasm of three brothers. With an older brother paving the way and a younger brother following closely behind, Bakota grew up around sports. His parents played a significant role in influencing him, and attending his older brother's games had a positive impact on him as a child. Sports quickly became a big part of his childhood, growing up with family activities like playing basketball outside and playing wiffle ball. 

"I was first encouraged by my parents to do sports, along with going to my older brother's soccer and basketball games,” Bakota said. “He introduced me to a lot of sports, whether we were playing outside on the basketball hoop or when we would have these big wiffle ball parties, which is how I developed my love for baseball. I've been playing soccer since I was six or seven, same with baseball." 

One of his favorite memories is from freshman year when his baseball team reached semi-state, defeating tough opponents like Triton and Morgan Township. Although they eventually fell short, the journey and high-stakes competition have become some of his most cherished moments.

Bakota describes the chemistry between him and his teammates, especially in basketball, as being like a close-knit family. While he also enjoys strong bonds with his baseball and soccer teammates, he feels that the camaraderie in basketball is the strongest, reflecting a team dynamic where everyone is supportive and united.

"For basketball, especially, I feel like we're as close-knit as a team can be," Bakota said. "We're all friends outside of school, sitting together at lunch and always talking. Whenever there's a problem on the court, it's quickly resolved without any grudges, which is exactly how a team should be."

Even during the off-season, team building is a priority for Bakota and his teammates. They often gather for informal practice sessions, usually at their coach’s family property in the countryside, allowing them to bond and improve their skills in a relaxed setting.

Bakota finds that skills from one sport often benefit another. He notes that the hand-eye coordination developed in baseball translates well to basketball, improving his performance in both. Additionally, soccer helps him stay fit during the off-season and trains different muscles, which aids in injury prevention. Bakota believes that playing multiple sports is valuable, as it not only enhances your skills but also contributes to overall athletic development. 

When preparing for a game, Bakota finds that a lot goes into getting into the right mindset. His coaches have taught him and his teammates helpful techniques to stay present and grounded.

"Something that has really stuck with me is what Mr. Tarnow, our basketball coach, taught us: go out, look at the field, take a few deep breaths, and just take in your surroundings,” Bakota said. "Once you’re on the court or field, just play your game the best you can."

Bakota is open to the idea of pursuing sports at a college level and, like any dedicated athlete, even dreams of playing professionally. However, he maintains a balanced perspective, recognizing the importance of academics as a foundation for his future. He believes having a solid degree and a career path is essential. He is currently considering Purdue University as a potential option, partly influenced by his brother, who is currently studying there. He is exploring his career interests and remains open to various options while researching his way to the right path that most aligns with his goals. 

Bakota’s journey has been shaped significantly by the support of his family, coaches, and teachers. He expresses deep gratitude for his parents, who have been instrumental in balancing his sports and academic life, and for his teachers, who have emphasized the importance of academic excellence. Bakota also acknowledges the crucial role his older brother played in impacting his life. His coaches have also been key to his growth and development. Reflecting on his journey, Bakota would advise his younger self to embrace the support and opportunities around him, recognizing that these have been vital to his development as both a student and an athlete.