Home»Community»Serving»A Great Advisory Board is Behind the Salvation Army in La Porte

A Great Advisory Board is Behind the Salvation Army in La Porte

LaPorte-Salvation-Army-Aug-2012The attached picture was taken this last week of the Advisory Board of Salvation Army. Those in the picture are: Norma Sabie, Bill Hedge , Barbara Birchfield, Mike Sutton, Bethany Irwin, Greg Irwin, Steve Curry, Dave Troth, Suki Cho, Keith Batzel and Tony Key.

A lot is happening at the Salvation Army of LaPorte over the last month. Here are some of the statistics that show the details from July 2-August 13, 2012

  • 323 people have been served
  • 193 of those served were served for the first time this year.
  • 279 families have been assisted with food.
  • 4 families were assisted with energy assistance.
  • 18 families with fuel for their automobile.
  • 21 families with Pet Food.
  • 1 family was assisted with prescriptions.

Our office has started a new program as we have partnered with “Best Buddies Pet Pantry”. This is a non for profit organization that believes that as we are able to feed the clients pets, it helps to keep food on the table for themselves.

The food pantry shelves have managed to stay stocked with the exceptions of some items that we have run out of, such as jelly, green beans, pork & beans, instant potatoes, beans and manwich.

The Salvation Army of LaPorte is located at 3240 Monroe Ave. LaPorte. Our office hours are 9-4pm Monday-Friday. For more information contact the Salvation Army at 219-326-5342