Parents, friends, teachers, and other supporters filled the Michigan City High School auditorium on Tuesday, March 21, as 51 juniors and seniors were inducted into the National Honor Society.
NHS President Karmen Halfacre led the induction ceremony, which also involved 50 MCHS seniors who were inducted as members last year. The event featured remarks from MCHS Principal Bonnie Manuel, Michigan City Area Schools Superintendent Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, and NHS sponsor Jennifer Gracyalny.
NHS Vice Presidents Rishi Verma and Allison Thomas introduced student speakers, who addressed the four pillars of NHS: scholarship, service, character, and leadership.
“Scholarship is not late-night cramming, it’s wanting to better yourself,” said Sara Siegmund. “Scholars are aware they don’t know everything, and that is fine.”
Jonathan Zerbes, speaking on service, pointed out that anyone can perform community service, which is a requirement to maintain NHS membership. “But I challenge all of you to provide service while keeping a joyful spirit,” he said.
Brandon Fetters urged students to step outside their comfort zones when it comes to character, even when others are not acting with integrity. “Being unique in your character is a gift,” he said. “Character is a lifestyle as much as a personality trait.”
Sarah Smith encouraged inductees to think of leadership in a broad sense, following role models like Abraham Lincoln, Nelson Mandela, and Eleanor Roosevelt. “A leader needs to touch every life we meet in an extraordinary way,” she said.
According to NHS Secretaries Kaitlyn Steinhiser and Skylar Brinkman, a National Honor Society was first established in 1927 at what was then Michigan City High School -- a building that later became Elston High School. The present MCHS National Honor Society chapter celebrated its 22nd annual induction on Tuesday, joining more than 12,500 high schools nationwide with chapters.
“Always remember that your induction to the Honor Society is a beginning, not an end,” said MCHS Principal Bonnie Manuel. “You are well on your way to leaving a legacy that will carry on for future generations at Michigan City High School. Continue to make your school proud, your teachers proud, your parents proud, and most importantly yourself proud.”
2017 MCHS National Honor Society inductees included:
Brittney Adams, Greta Beck, Sally Bibb, Sydney Carter, Emily Cupples, Hannah Debald, Terriana Drzewiecki, María Dunn, Andrew Eldridge, Reina Galvan, Davionne Garrett, Devin Glenn, Madelyn Gondeck, Farrah Goodall, Logan Goolsby, Zachary Gault, Ali Hakim, Trista Hardacker, Cailyn Harrison, Molly Heath, Cencia Hernandez, Naliyah Howell, Dominic Iacovetti, Loukas Karallas, Sydney Kohn, Scott Kreighbaum, Elizabeth LaFollette, Madison Laux, April Lawrenz, Mallory Marquiss, Cassie Mason, Dalin McCully, Jake Miller, Megan Mullins, Sarah Parnell, Kelsey Pearson, River Richardson, Brien Rissman, Morgan Skonieczny, Jenna Stevenson, Alexis Turner, Lauren Werner, Makayla Williams, Marissa Workman, Grace Zemrowski
Unique Blakely, Erin Buskirk, Alee’yia Kirkwood, Ciera Triplett, Miszelina Twardus, Joey Walker