The Greater LaPorte Ministerial Association invites the community to participate in a Lent series titled, “20 Minutes with God”. The services will be at Noon on five Wednesdays starting Feb. 20 and ending on March 20th. The services will include preaching from area pastors, music, prayer and a free lunch. All the services will be at Bethany Lutheran Church at 102 G Street in LaPorte, Indiana.
Speaker Schedule
- Feb 20: Rev Billy Nickrand (Door Village United Methodist)
- Feb 27: Pastor Jack Balon (The River Christian Fellowship)
- March 6: Rev Kit Billings (La Porte New Church)
- March 13: Rev Bob Raschka (Salem Chapel United Methodist)
- March 20: Father Ian Williams (Sacred Heart Roman Catholic)
Lunches provided by: Liberty Bible Church, First United Methodist Church, Golden Living Center, Hamilton Grove, and Bethany Lutheran Church
The Twenty Minutes with God Services are presented as a community outreach of the Greater La Porte Ministerial Association. For more information contact President Mike Sutton at 219-510-3193.