What’s recently happened?

On January 8, the Marquette Catholic High School chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS) held its annual induction ceremony. During this ceremony, 23 new members were inducted, leading the Marquette NHS to have 36 members.
The Marquette Blazers Girls Basketball team has been on a winning streak. The team has won five consecutive games, giving the girls a record of 16-2, the best it has been since the 2018-2019 season. This record of intense, high scoring games has made for a highly entertaining season, and the winning streak is almost sure to continue into their last four games.
What’s coming up?
On Saturday, January 13, the Marquette chapter of DECA, a club designed to help students to develop leadership and communication skills in business careers, will be attending the district competition. This is an organization with around 24 members, making it one of the biggest clubs at Marquette.

These students will be competing in business role plays against other schools in hopes to gain a spot at the State DECA competition in Indianapolis. The team has been working hard to perfect its professional skills and expand its knowledge of its specialty area of business since the beginning of the school year.
Also on Saturday, the Marquette performing arts department is hosting its fourth annual trivia night. It is sure to be an entertaining night, with raffle baskets, a 50-50 drawing, and great prizes.
On January 16 and 17, the Marquette performing arts department will be holding auditions for its spring musical: “Sister Act.” This musical, based on the film by the same name, is an upbeat comedy about nuns who discover their love for disco music from their new Sister, a disco diva placed into witness protection. It has been nominated for five Tony Awards and is certain to be a hit.
Staff spotlight:
Colleen Meyer is a business teacher and DECA instructor at Marquette. She has been teaching at Marquette for six years. During her second year at Marquette, Meyer introduced the DECA program.
“While reflecting on what I would like to accomplish as a new business teacher at Marquette, I had a conversation with a college professor at University of North Carolina Wilmington, and we were discussing what helped students prepare for a business degree in college. She said all of her students that really understood business usually had a background in business,” Meyer said.
Through the DECA program, Meyer has become a favorite of many Marquette students. She loves to stand back and watch her students shine and offers her support and pride for them when they succeed.
“I love watching them step outside of their comfort zone and do their absolute best,” Meyer said.

Meyer was not always a business teacher. Before deciding that she wanted to educate, Meyer worked in market research. After only a few years, Meyer realized that her true calling was teaching.
“After working in the business world for a few years, I realized that I was not going to feel fulfilled sitting in front of a computer each day. All of my jobs in high school and college were working with kids. Everyday was different, and I liked that,” Meyer said.
Before coming to work at Marquette, Meyer taught seventh grade math for many years, having never pictured herself as a high school teacher. However, in 2018, she joined the Marquette faculty and realized that Marquette was where she truly belonged.
“My favorite part of teaching at Marquette is the students. There is so much growth and maturity that happens from freshman to senior year. I love helping be a part of getting them ready for bigger and better things,” Meyer said.
Meyer will be attending the DECA District competition with her students on January 13 in hopes of seeing them progress to the State competition.
Student spotlight:
Alexis Barr is a senior member of the Marquette DECA program. It is her third year in the program, as she joined during her sophomore year. She has been very successful in this program, having made it to the state competition in Indianapolis during her sophomore year. Barr has a competitive spirit that has helped her to become a leader in Marquette DECA program.
“My favorite part of DECA is the competitions. It is fun to try your best and compete against others,” Barr said.
Barr has not limited herself just to DECA, however. She is also a member of Marquette’s Varsity Golf team and has been one of their top players since freshman year.

“I have played since I was young and really enjoy it,” Barr said.
Barr is also the secretary of the Marquette chapter of NHS. She credits her teachers and classmates for the success that she has experienced at Marquette.
“My favorite thing about Marquette is the small classes. Help from teachers is easily accessible. My advice to underclassmen would be to take advantage of the opportunities for help at Marquette,” Barr said.