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#1StudentNWI: La Porte High School Spotlight and Artistic Variety

#1StudentNWI: La Porte High School Spotlight and Artistic Variety

Student Spotlight: Jordyn Caviggiola
For junior student Jordyn Caviggiola, dancing has been a part of as long she can remember. She dances solely for personal benefit and the happiness it brings her.

Caviggiola started comitting to dancing about five years ago, and she dances at a local studio where she spends a majority of her free time. Caviggiola has many made achievements throughout the years and has gotten to some of the highest levels at her dance studio.

“There are so many reasons I love to dance. I just love the feeling of the music and the emotions of the singer in my heart and being able to portray that. I love becoming the character in the dance; I just love feeling free and unstoppable,” Caviggiola said.

Along with dance, Caviggiola is creative in other ways as well. Although she is busy, she still manages to be in yearbook, National Honor Society and occasionally French club. After high school, she plans on pursuing a major in Interior Design, as her other favorite things to do in her free time are anything having to do redecorating her room. She has high hopes for her future; she wants to become an interior designer for Disney World someday.

“I hope to go to the University of Cincinnati to pursue Interior Design. Next to dancing, my next favorite activity is redecorating my room or moving the furniture around,” Caviggiola said.

Although Caviggiola is only a junior, she is well on her way to figuring out all of the things that bring her happiness. She is a prime example that if someone loves something enough, he or she can always find a way to continue to pursue it.

La-Porte-1Student-March-2017_02 Teacher Spotlight: Mr. Gangwer
If there’s one person at LPHS who can put a smile on any student’s face, it is Mr. Gangwer.

Gangwer has been a teacher for a total of 39 years and has been at LPHS for the last 33 years. He currently teaches health and has coached soccer, track and cross country in the past. Although he is incredibly experienced, he finds that he will never teach in an “old school” manner, as his students keep him young and in tune.

“Your teaching and education perimeters have no limits. Our corporation does a great job of continuing education to keep us up to date to keep us ‘fresh’ in the classroom. I’ll never get old thinking because my students hit my ‘refresh’ button as they come into my classroom,” Gangwer said.

Gangwer is most known for his witty comments and constant booming voice that students can look forward to hearing everyday as they walk through the halls. Even with those who have not been in his class, he will start a conversation with anyone and everyone. His whole life he has been outgoing and has surrounded himself around groups of people who are similar to that.

“As an only child, I always gravitated to groups. I just have always loved being around people, especially like-minded people. Hopefully my students know I want to be there for them,” Gangwer said.

LPHS is lucky to have such an experienced teacher who has been through all the remodels and changes and has stuck by it’s side through it all. In the last 34 years and counting, Gangwer has been remembered by each student and will continue to do so during the rest of his years spent at LPHS.

La-Porte-1Student-March-2017_03 The Art Department Improves The Community
Over the last couple of months, the Art Department has been busy at work with painting trash cans and restoring a well-known bench that will be placed at the Unity Park off of Pine Lake Avenue.

The AP 3-D Art students and art assistants have been putting in hours of hard work painting these trash cans to help the community of La Porte to look better for the summer and spring season. The students had previously helped paint the beautiful bench that sat overlooking the water, but they had to repair it due to weather and other issues. They have created intricate designs on it that is admired by community members.

“I love creating art for the community. I believe that each time the art students of LPHS contribute with their art talents it helps our Art Department grow. The students art brings joy to the park area,” Mrs. Lebo, head of the Art Department said.

The trash cans they have been working on painting have different pictures on each one. The pictures range anywhere from flamingos to suns, and all of the ideas were created by the teachers in the department. The students were then given the opportunity to help the ideas come to life by taking part in painting the cans.

La-Porte-1Student-March-2017_04 “It is always great to give back, to showcase the students talents and to brighten our community,” Lebo said.

With the warm weather approaching, it will be a nice surprise for the members of the community who spend a lot of time at the lake and pass it everyday to see all of the talent LPHS art students have.

La-Porte-1Student-March-2017_05 Prep for the Variety Show Kicks off
The annual LPHS Variety Show will take place on March 24th in the auditorium at 7:00 p.m, and the halls are already buzzing with the acts preparing their performances.

This show gives the students of LPHS, and in some cases, teachers, a chance to showcase all of their hidden talents in front of their friends and family. There are many cases where students will step out on stage, and their peers never even knew they were an incredible singer, dancer, actor, etc.

“A lot of people at LPHS have hidden talents, and I think it’s so cool that for one night they get to share their talents with everyone. Before last year, when I sang in the show, no one knew I sang, and it was shocking to hear all the positive feedback from not just friends but strangers as well,” Ally Eibert, senior, said.

The acts that take place on this night have ranged anywhere from simply singing a song to insane dance routines. Students and staff at LPHS are encouraged to turn in their applications for the show, as tryouts will take place on Monday, March 13th. Before the show there will be a rehearsal where the acts will practice beforehand to make sure they are completely prepared.

The entire school is looking forward to this night where it gets to see just how talented the students at LPHS are. Make sure to buy a ticket when the time gets close to save a spot in the crowd.