What’s happened
After a very different school year to say the least, La Lumiere School students were able to have a seemingly normal end to the year thanks to the relaxing COVID-19 restrictions and the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine to younger ages. Many favorite events and ceremonies that were cancelled last year because of lockdowns (which caused an abrupt end to school in March) were finally able to happen again this year in a relatively normal manner.
To start off, on Saturday, May 8, sophomores, juniors, and seniors all had the chance to attend La Lumiere’s prom. Thanks to the safety precautions and extensive testing done by the school, the event was able to happen outside where there was no need for masks.
After a year of being masked and socially distanced from one another, students were thrilled to see each other's faces again and to be able to reconnect after a year of being apart for the safety of themselves and others. It was definitely a shock to lots of students who had not seen each other's faces in over a year. Some students had never seen other students' faces as they had only joined La Lumiere this school year. Nonetheless, the night proved to be a great time, and students danced their way into the night, enjoying the ability to be near each other maskless.
Two weeks later on Wednesday, May 19, students and families gathered together in Marsch Gymnasium to celebrate the accomplishments of the year. This annual event, known as Academic & Athletic Convocation, happens every May the week before graduation. Students are recognized for their outstanding work whether it be in the athletic or academic fields. While the event is always an important night, this year it had a whole new meaning.
As noted by Headmaster Adam Kronk in his introductory remarks during the event, this was the first time since February 2020 that the whole student body had all been in the same room and gathered together for an event.
The evening proceeded in its normal fashion with both athletic and academic awards being handed out. However, this year the ceremonies went beyond the recognition of just those who attend school at La Lumiere. Not only were students honored with various awards, but parents and staff were also recognized for their hard work put into making this year happen.
The following day on Thursday, May 20, students gathered in an outdoor theatre known as the Amphitheatre for the Senior Candle Ceremony. This is yet another yearly event in which seniors are given two candles to give out to underclassmen. The candles given represent the seniors' “light,” and they pass it on to an underclassman who has had a great impact on their time at La Lumiere.

The meaning of being given a candle was best laid out this year by senior Lily Fournier.
“This candle is just a piece of plastic, so what you decide to do with it is up to you. How you spend the rest of your time at La Lumiere is your decision, but I hope you make it count,” said Fournier.
This event has always been an extremely important and heartfelt one that serves as the seniors’ chance to thank the underclassmen for everything they’ve done throughout the school year. This was also the second and last time the whole school was together this year which brought an even deeper emotional feeling to the event, and it was truly a great send-off to the senior class.
However, the official send-off of the class of 2021 took place the next week on Friday, May 28 during La Lumiere’s 54th commencement ceremony. The seniors and their families all gathered together one final time in Marsch Gymnasium to receive their diplomas. Though facing insurmountable odds with a virtual end of their junior year and an abnormal senior year, Kronk praised the seniors for their ability to persevere through it all.

“As a group, you have done something extraordinary,” he said. “There were moments when this school year felt like a scene from mission control in ‘Apollo 13,’ and while making it through the pandemic in one piece is without a doubt an accomplishment of epic proportions in itself, what I want to emphasize today is not just what you did, but how you did it. You did it together.”
“It was the cohesive, supportive culture of this school that drew me here five and a half years ago like a moth to a flame, and this graduating class has been keepers of the fire in a way that I will literally never forget. The founders, faculty, alums, and future students of La Lumiere School owe a debt of gratitude to you because you kept this mission alive against some pretty tall odds,” said Kronk.
What’s Coming Up
While graduation marks the end of the official academic year, this does in no way mean that the La Lumiere campus will be dormant over the next few months. Over the summer season, there are a variety of events coming up that will be held on campus.
Among these is the Spring Event and Auction, which will be held down on Sullivan Field located right next to the lake. This summer will also see the return of Freshman Experience, a week-long camp held for incoming freshmen. During this week, they are given the opportunity to live in the dorms and to bond with not only their peers but also with both upperclassmen and faculty. There are also numerous camps and day activities that are spread out on various dates throughout the summer.
This summer will definitely continue to be busy on campus, but students and faculty alike are ecstatic about what seems to be the beginning of returning to normal La Lumiere life.