What’s recently happened?
November was a month of celebrations and victories at La Lumiere.
Starting with an All Saints’ Day mass on November 1, La Lu was able to have its first mass in the newly built chapel. Sacristan Prefect Sean Egan, Head of the Theology Department Kevin Effron, and its Sacristan Council were able to organize the mass, giving anyone the chance to participate or simply observe.

The annual food drive ran from November 14 to November 18. La Lu puts an emphasis on giving back to the community year round, and with the holidays coming up, the Service Council organized the food drive as an easy way to supply organizations with items to help improve the health and welfare in the organization's community. La Lu students are given many opportunities to integrate into the community and help others, the food drive being just one of them.
A beloved tradition at La Lu, Thanksgiving Dinner, took place on the Thursday before Thanksgiving. The dinner gives international students a chance to experience the American holiday and offers students and faculty a chance to take a break from the hustle of the end of the year and enjoy dinner with one another.
With delicious food and great company, students are encouraged to get up and share what they are grateful for. This is especially meaningful because, as the semester begins to conclude, students can reflect on the school year and recognize their blessings.
With basketball games being held several times every week, there have been many wins for La Lu. On November 19, the Varsity Girls Basketball Team defeated the Webb School in Bell Buckle, Tennessee. It was a fantastic win to kick start Thanksgiving Break.
On November 29, the Administrative office organized La Lu’s Giving Tuesday. As a huge success last year, Giving Tuesday is back as a Head’s Cup Competition. Last year, there were over 250 gifts that totaled to $23,050, all of which went back to improving La Lu Student Life. With donations from the class of 1968 to current Lakers, it is safe to say this year can only be better.
The competition consists of seeing which Head’s Cup team can raise the most “gifts” for La Lu. The cost of the donation does not matter, only the number of people. Students spread the word to their families, friends, and alumni in order to win the 10 points that are awarded to the team with the most gifts.
What's coming up?
December 1 is the Holiday Music Concert. This is a chance for music students to share what they have been working on this semester and act as their final. It is also a fantastic opportunity for students to take a break and support their peers as they share four months of hard work with La Lu. From concert choir to jazz band, it is a night that no one misses as they get to experience all genres of music.
The final Fine Arts Wednesday is being held on December 7. Fine Arts Wednesday is a chance for students to showcase any of their talents such as singing, dancing, or artwork. With the holiday season, there is sure to be some festive performances.
Final exams run from December 13 to December 16, and then the Lakers are rewarded with a well-deserved break.
Staff spotlight:
Bridget Sendziak joined La Lu in 2020 as a French teacher and fell right into place. Prior to joining the La Lu community, Sendziak spent six years abroad in France juggling many different tasks. After working at a French university, she decided to go back to school for her second masters degree from the University and Polytechnic Federation of Lille, specializing in history and translation while also serving as an English teacher in a French middle and high school. She also wrote for a Jewish feminist publication company, Hey Alma.

Sendziak has made an enormous impact on the school from serving crêpes each year to celebrate the French holiday, La Chandeleur, to being an avid participant in Bookstore Basketball. She even has planned an upcoming French trip for the school where she and a group of students will go to France over spring break, studying the culture and language.
Her favorite part about working at La Lu is being able to interact with so many different types of students and helping them to learn and love French. She is able to make closer connections with her students and coworkers. She has been both a volleyball and soccer coach for La Lu. She has recently moved on campus with her cat Lila.
Student spotlight:

Mia Risser is a senior at La Lu from Long Beach, Indiana. Having an older sister who also attended La Lu, Risser thought she knew what was coming for her when she decided to also attend La Lu. Little did she know that the school would give her many new opportunities, friendships, and memories.
Risser has been rewarded with many different awards in her time. From breaking the school record for most goals in a season as a freshman to being a Rising Star of Indiana, Risser has proved to be a leader and active member of the community. She is a College Board National Recognition Program Recipient - National Rural and Small Town Award, Scholar Athlete Awards in her freshman and sophomore years, and an Excellence in the Study of Writing About Film.
Risser is savoring these last few months she has with her classmates and this close knit community. She is excited for her next chapter but is fond of her peers and teachers that she made close connections with.