What’s recently happened?
As the school year is beginning to come to a close, the community at La Lumiere is stronger than ever.
From April 12 to April 14, the seniors went on the Senior Retreat, a getaway for students to spend some time together, device-free, and reflect on their time at La Lu while also preparing for the future. While not much is allowed to be said about the retreat as the activities and location are kept a secret from underclassmen, it is apparent that the seniors are beyond thankful for this special experience.

The annual Taste of La Lumiere also made a comeback on April 15. This cannot-miss event was better than ever with more than 60 dishes from countries all over the world. Attendees not only got to enjoy delicious food, but they also got to participate in a few different raffles that awarded chocolates, candies, and teas from all over the world.
Most people believe that it is the food that brings people together for the Taste, but there is so much more to the event. From finding a recipe—whether it is one you make every month or it is one that you ask your relatives for—to cooking 70 bite-size versions, there is a lot of hustle involved with the Taste, but the evening makes everything worth it.
“The Taste is my favorite tradition of the year,” said Administrative Assistant Susie Eguizabal. “There is nothing more important to me than showcasing the different talents and people at La Lu. I take so much pride in working at a school with such amazing kids, and I want to show that to the rest of the community.”

With five different prayers from different religions, students dressing up in cultural wear from the country that they are representing, and having performances with dancing or singing, it is safe to say that you have never experienced an event like the Taste.
The Spring Gala also united alumni, parents, and people interested in La Lumiere for a night of celebrating the students and school with food, drinks, and music. Happening at the Journeyman Distillery in Three Oaks, Mich. on April 22, the Spring Gala is a fantastic opportunity to see old friends, meet new people, and catch up on what has been happening at La Lu.
What’s coming up?
“The Massasauga,” La Lu’s first-ever literary magazine, is having a reading on April 26. The magazine includes self-submissions from students and includes poetry, “notes app treasures,” school work, or essentially any piece of writing from the students. Led by English Teacher Patti Pangborn, a group of students have been working on compiling works, formatting, and producing the magazine since the start of this year. Working on “the Massasauga” counts as an afterschool activity for students and is a great opportunity to gain experience for the future.
Teachers and students have been encouraging each other to enter submissions whether it be a film review they wrote for “Writing About Film” or a journal entry they scribbled that offered some valuable advice.
“I am so glad to present ‘the Massasauga’ to recognize the amazing work in it. From designing it to the submissions, everyone did a fantastic job. I want students to have their work be given the recognition it deserves while also inspiring others,” Pangborn said.

The reading on Wednesday is a safe space for students to read their original work in front of an audience. It is the perfect opportunity to showcase the immense talent of the students and provides a safe space for students to dive into the world of public speaking.
The Spring Open House, occurring on April 29, is very similar to the Fall Open House but is still a great way for prospective students to get a chance to learn more about La Lu. Whether they are an eighth grader trying to decide where they want to go for their high school career or a seventh grader considering La Lu, the Spring Open House is a great opportunity to chat with some current students, go on a tour to see the beautiful campus, and picture themselves at La Lu as a student.
The end of the school year also means that prom is coming up on May 13. With promposals happening on campus, there is a lot of excitement in the air. At La Lu, sophomores, juniors, and seniors are allowed to attend prom at the Uptown Social in Michigan City.
For students, prom is a sign of the school year ending. With AP exams done, it is a time for the student to celebrate and enjoy themselves with their friends.
Staff spotlight:

Art Teacher Katie Wall has taught art at La Lumiere for the past six years. She has seen plenty of amazing artists come through and adores watching them follow their passions and grow. She loves to be any sort of assistance when it comes to their journey. She truly wants to be there for them as a mentor and friend.
“The talent at La Lu blows me away. Every year, there are more incoming students with so much drive to work at their craft. Whether it is designing, video making, or creative directing, I want to help these kids out as much as I can so that the rest of the world can see what they have to offer,” Wall said.
She earned her MFA from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. She also studied art in Rome as an undergraduate at Loyola University Chicago John Felice Rome Center. Wall never shies away from sharing these experiences, hoping to inspire others.
Student spotlight:
Ellie Shuck is a junior at La Lumiere. Shuck came to La Lu halfway through her freshman year after being homeschooled due to COVID-19. It was clear to her that she wanted to join the community after being isolated for so long.

“Coming to La Lu was like a breath of fresh air,” Shuck said. “I was so excited because everyone told me how much I would love the community and how I would fit right in. They were absolutely right, and I am so happy I was able to make the transition and be able to meet so many incredible people.”
Shuck is extremely involved in school from sports like tennis and soccer to clubs like Reading Club and Film Club. She loves being able to branch out and follow her passions while being able to meet people at the same time.