What's recently happened?
Every year, Marquette Catholic High School participates in Catholic Schools Week with many fun games and events. These events range from guessing the names of songs to performing your own songs.

This year saw the juniors tied on points with the seniors going into Friday. Three of the four categories for the talent show were won by juniors, with the only other spot going to a metal band ranging from the classes of freshman to first grade.
After rocking the night away, the seniors got their act together for dodgeball on Friday. The seniors easily cruised through the competition, seeing the juniors knocked out in the first round, and the teachers defended a one to nothing victory over the seniors to end Catholic Schools Week. Regardless of their upset against the teachers, the Class of 2023 earned their first and final Catholic Schools Week victory.
However, victory was not all in Catholic Schools Week. The entire diocese had a good time — from rock concerts, to getting to throw dodgeballs at their principal, to a mass of all the Catholic grade schools in the area — Catholic Schools Week was a good time for all.
What’s coming up?
The spring musical is on its way! Theatre and Speech teacher Amy Crane has casted her first ever almost entirely gender-neutral cast.

The Marquette Performing Arts program will have its opening night for the musical "1776" on Friday, March 10. It will be showcasing the musical the subsequent weekend as well as the Friday and weekend following that.
The musical "1776" was originally a majority male-casted musical; Crane, however, has made the decision to cast male roles as gender-neutral roles. This opens up opportunities for many different students to be cast. Two out of the three originally male roles are now being played by women. Also featured in the cast is ISSMA state gold medalist Deia Mark, as well as some parents and staff who have been working behind the scenes. On top of all of this groundbreaking casting, the Marquette Performing Arts has opened up casting to seventh and eighth graders within the diocese.
The musical follows the lives of our Founding Fathers and their compatriots leading up to the signing of the Declaration of Independence. The much awaited musical has been teased since May of last year and is now almost ready for action!
Staff spotlight:
Arguably the most interesting character at Marquette is Edwin Shelton, but what is more interesting is what he does outside of Marquette. Shelton is a valued art teacher known for his bubbly personality and creative wit.
Most of Shelton’s magic happens right next door to Marquette at the Saint Mary’s building. Shelton works away in his studio squeezing water from stone and making art from trash. Shelton’s works, like himself, are not two dimensional. Shelton makes non-representational three-dimensional sculptures. His eco-friendly approach tries to spin new purpose and meaning into objects that were once seen as useless.

Shelton is currently making many headlines with his new exhibition at Indiana University Northwest called "Manifesting the Unseen: New Work."
As Shelton branches out further into the unknown, he learns a little more every day.
“The introvert in me is much more comfortable working in my studio, but I know I need to visit galleries around Chicago and be seen. It’s like fishing. You throw yourself out there and see what lands," Shelton said.
Walking into his classroom, you would not consider Shelton an introvert; it is very easy to forget that art is his element, and Shelton has been in his element for a very long time. It has been nearly half a century since Shelton first set his sights on the beauty of art, but now he has set his sights on the intricacies of networking. The journey has only just begun.
Student spotlight:
Xaria Biggerstaff is a senior at Marquette on track to attend Valparaiso University in the fall to major in criminology. Biggerstaff was recently invited to an honorary luncheon with the Rotary Club accompanied by Counselor Anthony Holt.

By some stroke of luck, the sheriff of La Porte County was chosen to be the speaker for the Rotary lunch. The two connected over law enforcement and job shortages within the field.
Biggerstaff was also electric to hear she was well on her way to achieving her goals.
“I asked if I was on track, and the sheriff said going to college for criminology was great. He even offered me a job out of college," Biggerstaff said.
Biggerstaff’s star-studded day was not over yet though. Biggerstaff was recognized as the Rotary Club’s Student of the Month by President-Elect Matt Kubik. Biggerstaff welcomes this accolade warmly after completing her final season as a basketball player for the Blazers.