What’s Recently Happened?
School may be out, but that does not mean that the La Lumiere campus is empty! In the last few years, La Lumiere has introduced Freshman Experience which has quickly become a huge hit for the incoming freshman.
The week-long endeavor gives students the chance to come to La Lu and stay in the dorms in order to get a feel for the campus, some faculty, current students, and their peers. This is a great chance to form relationships before August, making the transition to high school seamless.

Through this program, students are familiarized with what their La Lumiere experience will look like for the next four years.
“Each one of you belongs here—we want you to be your authentic selves!” said Director of Admissions and Financial Aid Mary Picken Corsones.
Students are given model classes and explore the school’s mission statement: Forming character, cultivating scholarship, and exploring faith. In addition, the faculty have taken so much time to plan out activities, icebreakers, and field trips.
The students were able to enjoy an evening at New Buffalo beach, an activity that also happens during the school year for boarding students. They even were able to enjoy a mini Head's Cup competition throughout the week.

Students were divided into 4 teams, created a name, and competed in various games to earn points each day. The Head’s Cup competition is a beloved tradition at La Lu where throughout the year, students compete for the Head’s Cup trophy. It’s a very fun, light-hearted way to build community.
Freshman experience is a time where memories are made, and lifelong friendships are born.
That is not the only thing happening on campus! La Lumiere is also offering four sessions of basketball camp for those in kindergarten to fourth grade as well as fifth to eighth grade.
La Lumiere has a great basketball program led by head coach for the Varsity White team, Pat Holmes.
“I enjoy watching the joy and enthusiasm young players display when they learn a new skill. Younger kids pick up the fundamental skills relatively quickly, so it is fun to see the excitement on a kid’s face when they learn a new skill or execute a new skill properly. Campers are eager to learn, and they want to have fun," said Holmes.
The summer camp not only allows players to improve their skills with drills and techniques used by current players but also exposes younger, prospective students to life at La Lumiere and the campus.

La Lumiere’s annual auction, La Lu Palooza, also happened on June 25. A summer festival to benefit La Lumiere school, La Lu Palooza allows board of trustee members, alumni, and parents to come together in celebration of La Lumiere and their accomplishments.
La Lu Palooza was a huge success thanks to the generosity of the chairs, sponsors, and everyone who attended!
What's Coming Up?

With the new school year coming right around the corner, La Lumiere is already getting ready to welcome returning and new students. La Lu is home to students from all over the globe, with over 18 countries represented. There are nine new international students from Japan, Slovakia, Taiwan, Spain, South Korea, South Africa, China, and the United Kingdom.
New Student International Orientation is from August 10 to August 12 with the first day of school on August 14. Like Freshman Experience, New Student Orientation allows international students to get a feel for campus, connect with other international students, and gives them some time to adjust to jet lag.
La Lumiere uses a program called American Partner, which reaches out to the incoming international students and pairs them with other students. Making themselves available to answer any questions or concerns students may have, just like a friend, allows the new students to feel acquainted with the school and make them feel as comfortable as possible.
They are not limited to only talking about items that pertain to La Lu. This year each international student will have two partners, one will be an American student and the other an international student. They are paired with people who have similar interests and are in the same grade.

“I’m super excited that our vision to have two partners this year worked out. Moving across the country is scary, so having someone who has done it before on speed dial makes all the difference," said Admissions Prefect Delaney Killeen.
These students are able to make friends and form bonds right before the school year begins, ensuring that they feel as though they belong.
Community Member Spotlight
Mary Pickens Corsones joined La Lumiere in May of 2019 as the director of admissions and financial aid. Before working at La Lumiere, Corsones served as the associate program director for the Alliance for Catholic Education (ACE) Teaching Fellows program at the University of Notre Dame.
She was made in charge of the recruitment, selection, placement, and formation of Catholic school teachers in the Gulf Coast and Mid-Atlantic. She went to Michigan State University for her undergraduate and received her master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame. Corsones also loves to sing and was a part of a community theater production of The Addams Family musical in Elkhart, Indiana.

Corsone is very passionate about connecting with the student body. She absolutely loves being surrounded by colleagues and students who are so motivated to work on improving themselves to be the best versions of themselves.
Corsone’s favorite tradition at La Lu is hearing the senior chapels each week.
“Initially, when I met with our Head of School, Adam Kronk, I was immediately taken in by his vision and commitment to La Lumiere’s mission. Since arriving, I’ve been so impressed with our students. Our students are curious, kind, and compassionate young people who care about their neighbor's wellbeing. I'm so grateful to have the chance to introduce La Lumiere to prospective families from all around the world. Working with them is always the best part of my day," said Corsones.
Corsones fell right into place at La Lu and love being surrounded by people who are constantly trying to improve and better themselves.