Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»Challenger Learning Center Hosting Corporate Bowling Charity Challenge

Challenger Learning Center Hosting Corporate Bowling Charity Challenge

Challenger-Learning-CenterThe Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana will be hosting a corporate bowling charity challenge at the Superbowl in Crown Point on Wednesday, April 29. Participating organizations will create a team of four to five bowlers to compete for the championship, with proceeds benefiting the Challenger Learning Center.

Organizations may choose from three different levels of sponsorship: Shooting Star for $250 (sponsorship only); Mission to Mars for $650 (1 team of bowlers); and To Infinity and Beyond for $2000. Each sponsorship allows the opportunity to win awards and prizes and enjoy food and beverages. The Mission to Mars sponsorship includes pre-event advertisement as well as the company logo being featured on Challenger Learning Center e-blasts promoting the event. The To Infinity and Beyond sponsorship adds the sponsoring company’s logo to all advertisements leading up to the event, both print and web, and corporate recognition on a plaque at the Challenger Learning Center.

The Challenger Learning Center uses science, technology, engineering and math education to engage visitors of all ages. The space simulation programs, planetarium experiences, laser shows, hands-on space science and technology skill-building programs engage learners of all ages in activities that encourage teamwork while honing problem solving, communication and critical thinking proficiencies. The Stars and Strikes event will help the Challenger Learning Center fund missions that are available to school systems throughout Northwest Indiana.

For more information about Stars and Strikes or about the Challenger Learning Center of Northwest Indiana, contact Becca Manis, executive director, at 219-989-2007 or visit www.clcnwi.com.