Angel Street written by Patrick Hamilton and directed by Davelle DeMarco opens at the La Porte Little Theatre March 6. This Broadway hit first produced on the West End under the title Gaslight and filmed twice, Angel Street tells the story of the Manningham's who live on Angel Street in 19th Century London.
As the curtain rises, all appears the essence of Victorian tranquility. It is soon apparent however, the Mr. Manningham (Aram Arden), a suavely handsome man, is slowly driving his gentle, devoted wife Bella (Lisa Babigian) to the brink of insanity with an insinuating kindness which masks more sinister motives. A perfect cure for cabin fever.
Show dates include March 6, 7, 13, & 14 at 7:30 p.m., and March 8 & 15 at 2 p.m. All tickets $12. Reservations: 219-362-5113.