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The Salvation Army of Michigan City Kicks Off 2014 Red Kettle Campaign

salvation-army-mc-red-kettleThe Salvation Army of Michigan City kicked off their Red Kettle season November 12th with their annual Coffee Pour at McDonald’s. The Lubeznik-owned McDonald’s has supported The Salvation Army for many years; not only by hosting the Coffee Pour, but by generously donating the coffee proceeds of the day of the event from their three Michigan City locations to the annual Red Kettle Drive.

Many local celebrities volunteered to refill coffee for patrons attending the event including Pat Boy, Don Przybylinski, State Representative Scott Pelath, Sheriff-Elect John Boyd, Jeff and Angie Deuitch, Marty Corley, Theresa Edwards, Senator Jim Arnold, Adam Parkhouse, The Unity Foundation of La Porte County, The La Porte County Convention and Visitors Bureau, and The United Way of La Porte County. While sipping on their coffee, guests listened to wonderful performance from the Queen of All Saints School choir, Krueger Middle School Advanced Chorus, and Pine Elementary Choir.

Lt. Bill Brutto kicked off the presentation by addressing the positive programs provided for the community; how approximately 800 households were provided with utility assistance this past year, the local food pantry that serves an average of 3,800 Michigan City residents a month, and the diaper bank program which gives out an average of 457 diapers a day since its inception a little over a year ago.

The Shelter Program was filled to capacity this past year with 7,193 guest for the shelter. The Salvation Army Advisory Board Vice-President, Mary Ellen Quinn, introduced the Christmas Chair Dr. Barbra Eason-Watkins who spoke of ways The Michigan City Salvation Army has partnered with Michigan City Area Schools. When the state cut the weekend backpack feeding program, The Salvation Army began supplying food for the communities.

When school budget cuts forced cuts for the elementary school sports programs, The Salvation Army partnered with other organizations to keep youth sports in the schools and “adopted’ Knapp and Marsh school. She stated how she appreciates the way they assist the community anytime they see there is a need, and was the first one to donate to the Red Kettle’s goal of raising $10,000 at the Kick-Off.

She wasn’t the only one who supports The Salvation Army; Nick and Toni Griswold quickly stepped up with a corporate donation of $3,000 on behalf of Foster Printing Services. PNC Bank, NIPSCO, Blue Chip, MC Interior, Members Advantage Credit Union, and Horizon Bank continued their annual contributions to the Red Kettle; these donations alone bringing The Salvation Army over their goal for the day, and getting them on their way to a season goal of $250,000. Lt. Brutto shared how these donations stay local and help our Michigan City residents; last year the Salvation Army was able to distribute 63,777 holiday gifts and provided a Christmas dinner in more than 3,000 households. This year their goal is to assist 11,000 Michigan City individuals.

If you would like to support The Salvation Army of Michigan City in their goal, you can visit their online Red Kettle at http://www.onlineredkettle.org/MichiganCitySA, or call (219) 874-6885 for more information.