Home»Community»Worship»UNDERSTANDING YOUR DREAMS: Health & Spirituality


Health-and-SpiritualityWhat is your subconscious trying to tell you? One good way to find out is through your dreams.

Postponed due to weather conditions, "Understanding Your Dreams" will be presented Tuesday, March 18, 6:30-8:00 p.m., at La Porte New Church Swedenborgian, 812 Indiana Avenue. Each Health & Spirituality program offers an enlightening and casual 90 minutes of information with questions, compassion, and conversation surrounding our whole selves, allowing us to truly see how our mind, body, and spirit are interconnected. Everyone is invited to attend these community programs.

Guest speaker Terese Fabbri, M.A., M.S., an experienced educator, counselor and dream therapist in private practice for over 25 years, will lead “Understanding Your Dreams”, a program for people interested in dreams and their significance and how they are integrated into our spiritual life as well as into our everyday lives. By learning a few techniques, it is possible to remember your dreams and understand the message they hold for you.

Terese will be back again for the April 9 Health & Spirituality program and on Wednesday, May 14, the final program of the season, we will welcome Ang Benz and her talk on Angels.

For more information on this monthly series, about any New Church program, or for pastoral care, email Rev. Billings at revkitbillings@comcast.net or visit www.laportenewchurch.org. Sunday worship and Children’s Sunday School begin at 10 a.m.. Newcomers are always welcome.