Home»Entertainment»Gatherings»A Night in New York, New York

A Night in New York, New York

New-York-New-YorkNovember 15, 2013, 6 pm to 9 pm
Blue Chip Casino, Hotel, & Spa

Enjoy the sights and sounds of Broadway. Imagine yourself attending a Broadway play, seeing the Statue Of Liberty, dancing at Studio 54, and walking through Times Square. Enjoy a fabulous evening with live Broadway entertainment, gourmet foods, open bar, silent and live auction offering hundreds of upscale items, and much more!

Ticket price includes:

  • Open Bar
  • All you can eat food from over 10 area restaurants
  • Broadway style entertainment and dancing
  • Opportunity to bid on hundreds of unique auction items and participate in other raffles and prizes
  • A Live Auction with spectacular trips and vacations
  • Your picture in a unique take-home frame to remember the evening
  • You will join over 600 people in the gala event of the year!


Strike-Gold$10,000 Gold Raffle to Support United Way!

In partnership with Sullair, this year's raffle item is a chance to win gold bars valued at $10,000. One lucky winner will be drawn on November 15th, 2013 at our Night In New York, New York event, and they will receive $10,000 in GOLD BARS! Tickets are $10 each or 3 for $25. Only 2,500 tickets available! CLICK HERE or on the above image to purchase your chance now.

Pictures from Last Year

Last year's gala event, "A Night In Old Chicago" raised $120,000 for our United Way. To view pictures form last year, CLICK HERE.


We welcome sponsors for this year's "A Night In New York, New York" event! This is your opportunity to market to over 600 people from Northern Indiana and SW Michigan. Help us help others! Stand with us as we raise money to fund programs making an impact in the areas of Education, Income, & Health.

Don't miss this event! Just click here for more information!