What’s recently happened?
As the first semester concluded with final exams and projects, La Lumiere came together for multiple holiday festivities.

Toys for Tots was a community service opportunity that allowed students to donate gifts for children this holiday season. Donations were collected in the Moore House and at all basketball games. This was the perfect opportunity for the community to give back this holiday season.
During the last week of school before final exams, the Prefect Board came together to organize the annual candy cane sale.
Candy canes were purchased in order to raise money for gifts for the children of faculty on and off campus. At the price of $1 each, students bought as many candy canes as they pleased and gifted them to friends and teachers. It was a great way to end the semester by acknowledging the people students met in the new semester and let them know how much they mean with a simple candy cane while also contributing to a good cause.
“It is so great to see the kids buying candy canes in the spirit of the holiday season. Not only does the money go to children, but it is a special way to celebrate the end of the semester,” Suzie Eguizabal, the mastermind behind the sale, said.
Candy canes were bagged and handed out on the final day of school before exams along with hot chocolate and donuts as a way to treat the students. Despite the rain and cold weather, this treat was well earned with the hectic semester coming to an end.
Students also took some time to celebrate Christmas with the annual Christmas dinner held in the Field House. This event is spent eating turkey while listening to “A Charlie Brown Christmas” music with friends and faculty before students departed for winter break. Children of faculty members also received presents bought with the candy cane sale’s profits. Specific presents were selected for each child as a way to emphasize how much the children are a part of the community.
What’s coming up?
From January 5 through January 7, the La Porte Civic Auditorium is hosting the National Interscholastic Basketball Conference (NIBC) La Porte Invitational. Throughout these three days, the tournament will include 10 of the best high school basketball teams in the country, including La Lumiere. The opportunity to see some basketball stars and powerhouse teams on the court is one that no one wants to miss out on.
Even with a smaller community, La Lumiere’s love for basketball is strong, and the Lakers never fail to show up and make some noise.
"The team and I cannot express our love for the student section at La Lumiere. Their support is invaluable to us!" said Coach Pat Holmes.
Basketball is a huge part of the culture at La Lumiere, and the season is something that the students look forward to each year. The La Lumiere Lakers will be packing the stands, just like the team did last year.
Staff spotlight:
Jack McNabola is a recent addition to the advancement team at La Lumiere, taking his place as the Assistant Director of Advancement. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame in the spring of this past year, coming out with a degree in business analytics.

Aside from his administrative position, McNabola is also involved in the community with coaching basketball and cross country, having a lot of experience as he was on the track and cross country team at Notre Dame. He also made for some tough competition in Bookstore Basketball this past season, making it to the final few rounds.
He was an integral part of Giving Tuesday at La Lumiere and was able to raise a lot of money to give back to student life. Although he has only been at La Lu for a short period of time, he was sure to make an impact on the student life and faculty.
"This is your chance to give back to the school and student life. Giving Tuesday is an event based on participation and school spirit. I can't wait to see which Head's Cup team pulls out," McNabola said.
Student spotlight:
Mia Jordanich is a current junior at La Lumiere and quickly fell into place with the school and its community.

Jordanich entered her freshman year during the first semester back after being online for her final months as an eighth grader in 2020. She was amazed by how easy it was to connect with the community and learn in a productive way despite COVID setbacks.
Having an older sister attending and knowing quite a few people that already attended La Lumiere, Jordanich had an idea of what her La Lumiere experience would entail, but she did not anticipate how thankful she would be for the experience.
"I remember how nervous I was on the first day of school, thinking about how COVID restrictions may be a set back to meeting new people. Looking back, I laugh at my younger self because of how easily I assimilated to the school and the many friends and experiences I gained from it,” said Jordanich.
Jordanich was able to push herself at La Lumiere. Whether it was in a soccer game, memorizing and delivering a speech for class, or testing her knowledge in an AP class, she was always able to challenge herself while still gaining support from her classmates and teachers.
With so many traditions and after school activities offered at La Lumiere, it is hard to not become heavily engaged in the community. Jordanich has grown fond of being a part of activities like Film Club and the soccer team. Forever grateful for the memories and friendships she has made from these experiences, it is safe to say that she would not change one second of it.