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Billinero savings app awards $1,000 to monthly drawing winner

Billinero savings app awards $1,000 to monthly drawing winner

Billinero, an app-based savings account that awards cash prizes in monthly and quarterly drawings, has named Jeremy Sessions of Portage, Ind., as its monthly $1,000 drawing winner.

Sessions said he began using Billinero last summer, because the chances of winning cash prizes enticed him. He and his wife have both actively saved for the past several months for chances to win the drawings.

The couple welcomed a terrier mix puppy to their family last October. The puppy had an unknown heart condition and recently underwent surgery. Sessions said he is going to use part of the prize money to pay for his pet’s medical bill.

“I’m really excited that I stayed diligent in making deposits all these months,” Sessions explained. “I was hoping this would be the outcome, and I’m really happy I won!”

Chris Campbell, Executive Vice President of Billinero, said the cash prizes are what make users want to develop good savings habits. 

“If you know that you’ll have greater chances of winning a cash prize every time you make a qualifying deposit, you’ll want to do it more,” Campbell explained. “That’s where the habit part of Billinero comes into play. This app is designed to create those good savings habits that many folks need, to get them on the path to financial wellness.”

For more information about Billinero, go to Billinero.com. For more information about Centier Bank, go to Centier.com