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A La Porte County Life In The Spotlight: Tom Dombkowski

A La Porte County Life In The Spotlight: Tom Dombkowski

The quality of a child’s education is one of the biggest influences on their lives. It takes a strong group of administrators within the school system to provide that for all students, giving them the best future possible. One of those influential individuals is Tom Dombkowski.

Dombkowski attended Elston High School before completing his bachelor’s degree at Ball State. He then went on to earn a master’s degree at Purdue University.

For Dombkowski, home has always been Michigan City, and he spent 39 years working to give back to his hometown through his work in public education. During that time, Dombkowski enhanced the lives of countless students through his roles as a teacher, principal, and Title I program administrator.

“The education of children is important not only for their success as adults but for the success of our community as well,” Dombkowski said. “Its value can be found in the success stories of students as parents and grandparents, their successful careers, community work, and service to country.”

Dombkowski continues to influence students’ lives as a member of the Michigan City Area Schools Board of Trustees, where he serves as secretary of the board.

“The inspiration to be a part of this came from those 39 years I spent working in the school system,” Dombkowski said. “I see great value in the education of our young people, and wanted to continue having an impact on their educational development into my retirement.”

Throughout his career, Dombkowski has been influenced by many colleagues in education who share his vision of quality education for children. He says that the listening, planning, dedication, participation, and learning skills he developed alongside these colleagues is what landed him where he is today.

“I have been blessed to work with great educators who have always shown me that each day you can learn something new to help the young people in our care,” Dombkowski said.

Dombkowski said his wife Sandra has been a strong pillar of support throughout his life, always there to assist and guide him.

“I definitely need to thank my wife. From supporting me with classwork for my master’s degree and beyond, to helping with grading papers/projects, meetings, school programs, school sporting events, professional school improvement conferences – she understood what was necessary, and was always there to lend a helping hand.”

Over the years, Dombkowski has worked hard to improve the quality of education for Michigan City Area Schools, and plans to continue this mission in the years to come.

“No matter what road blocks exist, the Michigan City Area School District provides a wide variety of ways for students to be successful,” Dombkowski said. “I believe you should always have a plan no matter what you do, and my plan is to continue to help progress the education system in any way I can.”

When he’s not working to improve students’ lives, Dombkowski enjoys working in his garden, photography, technology, and reading, as well as embracing the many roles he plays within his family.

“I’m a husband, dad, and grandfather. It definitely keeps me busy!”