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Michigan City High School Wolves Wire, November 2017

MC Wolves logoWe are officially a quarter of the way through the school year, and there are so many student successes to celebrate. This Wolves Wire addition is packed full of the excitement that has been taking place at MCHS. We have completed our first grading period, and enjoyed meeting and talking to many parents and family members at Parent/Teacher Conferences held on October 18th. Thank you for supporting your student, their teachers and visiting our building.

We are focusing on climate, culture and student engagement this year. The month of October the student body has been collecting canned food items and money to support area food banks. The students raised over 1500 food items in a week, and therefore had the opportunity to pie Kendall Martin (College and Career Director), Aaron Garrett (counselor) and myself on the morning announcements. Fun was had by all, and more importantly the generosity of the families and students to bring in the food is much appreciated.

As we move into our colder months as our seasons are changing, we are excited to continue to cheer on the varsity football team as they are still in playoffs. We also look forward to our winter sport season as girls’ basketball is already underway, and boys’ basketball, swimming, gymnastics, and wrestling will be joining them soon. The Parent Network will be hosting their annual Craft Show on Saturday November 4th in the high school cafeteria, the Sadie Hawkins Dance will be held on Saturday November 11th, and the fall musical performances runs from Nov. 17-19th. We look forward to seeing you at MCHS!

Please keep your eyes on Franklin Street as we will be seeing our senior winter athlete banners going up!

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