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Healthlinc Voted “Best Tree” at Barker Mansion

Healthlinc-Voted-Best-Tree-at-Barker-Mansion-01Congratulations go to Healthlinc, a Michigan City non-profit clinic, for their award-winning decorations at the Barker Mansion this past Christmas season. Eight non-profit groups helped decorate the mansion for the holidays; included with Healthlinc were Queen of All Saints’ Tapped In ministry, Tri Kappa Delta Mu, the Exchangette Club, Michigan City High School’s National Honor Society, Keys to Hope, Footlight Players, and Hesston Steam Museum. The touring public was invited to vote for their favorite Christmas tree throughout the month of December, and Healthlinc’s Victorian-inspired tree in the Foyer garnered the most votes.

They were awarded a $200 cash prize, which was sponsored by the Friends of Barker Civic Center. “Offering the funds to a non-profit group fits in well with the Barker family’s legacy of charitable giving,” said Barker Mansion Director Jessica Rosier. “We are grateful that our Friends group was willing to financially support this new idea.”

“We will be applying the funds specifically towards our mission on expanding access to exceptional healthcare,” said Angie McClead, Assistant Site Manager at Healthlinc. “We hold patient clinics such as a diabetic and obesity clinic that we could use the funds for, or we may use it to purchase books for our pediatric department.”

Healthlinc-Voted-Best-Tree-at-Barker-Mansion-02Healthlinc staff members who helped decorate the Foyer alongside McClead included patient service representatives Carla Martinez and Christina Kraemer, registered nurse Brenda Riley, medical assistant Levi Reyes, and nurse practitioner Jennifer Evans. Lending helping hands were also McClead’s daughter and Riley’s granddaughters, who they credit as being quite helpful in running up and down the stairs to grab decorations.

The Barker Mansion wishes to congratulate Healthlinc and thank all the participating non-profit groups for their help in transforming the mansion for the Christmas season.