It is truly the most wonderful time of the year. It is hard to believe 2016 is almost over. We have seen continuous improvement this year but there is plenty more to accomplish. Our staff and students are working hard to ensure that our vision and mission are meaningful. Our vision, Excellence for Everyone, and mission, which ensures all students will graduate college and career ready, cannot be fulfilled without the support of our parents and community partners. In the coming weeks, the Indiana Department of Education will release preliminary A-F accountability grades for the 2015-16 school year and it is our hope that everyone’s hard work will lead to our status improving.
Your students’ attendance to school is very important. The high school will be a very busy place over the next few weeks as we come to the end of our first semester. We want our students to experience every opportunity to ensure a positive outcome at the conclusion of first semester. Retesting for the ECAs is 12/6 through 12/16. Any student needing to take one or both of the End of Course Assessments in Algebra and/or English/Language Arts will receive a notice from administration regarding the day and time they will test. Final exams are scheduled for December 19th and 20th.
Michigan City High School hallways are taking on a new vibe via student designed and painted murals. The murals are inspirational, uplifting and add life to the hallways. On your next visit to the building, take the time to walk our halls and enjoy the gallery of artwork displayed on the walls.
I hope you enjoyed the student performances during “One City, One Sound” on Thursday, December 1st. It was a wonderful way to spend the evening, enjoying the talents of Michigan City Area Schools students. For more information on all of the activities and events, please follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, and subscribe to the Wolves Wire.
From all of us at MCHS to all of you, have a wonderful holiday season and a happy new year.