Home»Business»Development»La Porte Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship Opportunities Available

La Porte Chamber of Commerce Sponsorship Opportunities Available

rot3The La Porte Chamber represents over 300 members ranging from small businesses to large corporations throughout La Porte County and the greater area. Our events provide opportunities meet and connect with a significant number of our active members, while our email program reaches well over 800 business people in the local area.

We encourage you to consider sponsoring our programs and events in 2017 to increase awareness of your company and brand. A Chamber sponsorship can help to showcase leadership within the business community.

The packet in the link below contains the 2017 sponsorship descriptions. Past attendance does not guarantee future attendance. Let us know your interest by circling desired sponsorships and mailing this form and a check to 803 Washington Street, La Porte, IN 46350. You may also email a list to gesse@lpchamber.com to let us know your interests.

Click Here to View 2017 Sponsorship Opportunities.