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A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Kristie Pate

A La Porte County Life in the Spotlight: Kristie Pate

Kristie Pate, a La Porte native is the Executive Director for the United Way of La Porte County. From her early on in her life, leadership and helping others has always been a primary goal for Pate and has also been a significant driving force in her life to always do good to others.

"I am originally from La Porte but I did spend six years in Pittsburgh working for a leadership organization mentoring the children of prisoners," says Pate. "This organization was called Amachi and it was through working here that I developed a strong belief in the value of mentoring."

It was during this time Pate saw the value and importance of mentoring and how by having a mentor in a young child's life creates a positive impact that lasts a lifetime.

"Having a strong person in your life can make a huge difference," says Pate. "It really is a key to youth health."

Pate eventually returned home to La Porte where she would further develop her passion and skills working at Fairview Youth Residential Center and Dunebrook, Inc.

"While at Fairview, much of my time was spent working with young children. I realized as I spent time with them how impressionable they can be when given attention. They are just looking for someone to show interest in them," says Pate. "While I was working at Dunebrook, I worked with children and law enforcement with 'finding words' training and while working with the kids I began to build even more respect for them when they needed someone to listen to them and help them through their difficulties."

Once Pate eventually found her way to the United Way of La Porte County, her love for helping others had developed to its fullest and by being with an organization with an outreach to all of La Porte County, is able to spend each day doing what she loves through helping others.

"The United Way is able to have such a strong impact on La Porte County," says Pate. "It allows us to raise funds to help programs in the community such as those helping the homeless, family services and health services as well as programs for children like the Boys & Girls Club and Safe Harbor."

For Pate, having the ability to reach the entire La Porte community is a huge motivator for Pate in her daily work, having been away previously from her hometown has allowed her to gain a new perspective.

"Having been someone who has left La Pore before, I have now become more aware of all the things you take for granted. Only until I left was what I missed the most revealed," says Pate. "I have so many great memories from La Porte. There's so much history here and it's fascinating just how rich that history is."

In the end, Pate followers her passion daily, helping others, enjoying the richness that La Porte offers and seeing both its citizens and the city itself transform around her in a positive way.

"There are so many positive changes happening in La Porte," says Pate. "It's such a good time to be here and it's wonderful to be surrounded by people with such a strong vision for helping others and making La Porte a better place to be."

"The kindness of a coach, a teacher, a parent, a police officer, a neighbor, the parent of a friend is never wasted." - Quote taken from "The Gift of Fear" by Gavin de Becker.