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Workouts Offered for La Porte Cal Ripken Tournament Teams

La_Porte_Cal_RipkenAny players interested in selection to one of the Cal Ripken Baseball tournament teams, offered through the La Porte Park and Recreation Department, are invited to attend a series of preseason workouts.

The sessions will be held Saturdays, Jan. 16 and 30 and Feb. 13, at the Civic Auditorium, from 11 a.m.-12:15 p.m. for ages 9-10 and from 12:15-1:30 p.m. for ages 11-12 (determined by age as of April 30, 2016). There is no fee for the workouts but players must have a waiver signed by their parent or guardian.

Registration for the league will be held from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 16, and Thursday, Feb. 18, at the Civic Auditorium. For more information on our Cal Ripken Baseball program, contact Recreation Director Pam Carroll at (219) 326-9600 or by e-mail at pcarroll@cityoflaporte.com