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May 2015 Meeting of the La Porte County Indiana Genealogical Society

lcigs-logoThe La Porte County (IN) Genealogical Society will meet at 7 PM (CDST) Tuesday, May 9, 2015, at the La Porte City Parks Headquarters Building, 250 Pine Lake Avenue.

The business part of the meeting will be followed by refreshments and a program entitled “Veterans of the Battle of the Bulge” presented by Barry Veden, President of Chapter 30 of the Veterans of the Batlle of the Bulge. Barry is the son of a soldier seriously wounded in the battle, and he is the Author of three books, including My Heroes; featuring interviews with survivors of the Battle of the Bulge. Guests are welcome to join us.

We hope that you will visit the society’s website, still at http://www.rootsweb.ancestry.com/~inlcigs/index.htm. The site has undergone a face lift, and we hope that it will be easier for everyone to find information on the Society, its officers, publications, objectives and programs. Look for us also on Facebook.